Quality policy and environmental protection

Quality policy

Our goal is to achieve a healthy interaction between quality and efficiency with an optimal deployment of employees, resources and the environment.

Our Quality Management system in accordance with ISO 9001:2015, helps to ensure future-oriented advanced development of the company. We are dedicated to constantly reflect on both internal and external processes and to improve them continuously in order to maintain a high level of quality.

Environmental protection

It is in our interest to protect the environment from problematic constituents and components from electronics. Our range of products is oriented on the requirements of the RoHS Directives which stipulate that substances harmful to the environment must be minimised. By complying with the REACH regulations, Widap AG meets the requirements for the transparency of supply chains. The registration of chemical substances that are marketed and distributed fall within the purview of REACH.

In order to prevent the import of and trade in of so-called conflict minerals, specifically zinc, tantalum, tungsten and gold, as well as their derivatives in accordance with the Dodd-Franck Act, section 1502, and thus, to prevent exploitation and human rights violations in conflict and high-risk territories, we check our supply chains continuously. For this purpose we have set up an appropriate management system with the aid of which we, in cooperation with our suppliers, identify risky procurement sources and use identified alternatives in accordance with the options open to us.